US Airways Flight 1549 Crash Lands in Hudson River – Raw Video

Here is amazing raw video from various surveillance cameras of the US Airways Flight 1549 crash landing into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. All 155 passengers aboard the plane survived in what is being called “Miracle on the Hudson.”

de Havilland Beaver Plane Crash at Lake Hood (HD)

This is a video of the deHavilland beaver plane crash at Lake Hood in Anchorage AK, on June 7, 2009. My father and I were videotaping planes at Lake Hood taking off and landing when the wind kicked up and sent the Beaver taking off right at us. The wing was less than 5 feet …

Dumb Things People Do

I was watching some funny stuff on Ebaum’s World a couple years back and decided to make a compilation video called Dumb Things People Do. I love how people can always find funny and inventive ways do break things or hurt themselves. Stuff like this never gets old. —UPDATE— The song is “Feelin’ So Fly” …