Boat Crash at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri

boating accident at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri was captured on a shocking video last Friday. The crash happened when the Fountain powerboat plowed into a large wake of another vessel at high speed. The boat slammed from side to side causing injuries to the driver and six passengers. Five were taken to a …

Valdez Backcountry Skiing Crash: Wilson Bro Bowl Fall Wilson has trouble sticking a drop while skiing Bro Bowl in Thompson Pass, Alaska. He hits some hard snow and tumbles over some cliffs landing on rocks. Everything ends fine, and he walks away with only 5 broken vertebrae. The POC helmet may have saved his life

Car Crash compilation 2012

je vous propose une compilation rcente d’accidents de voiture, principaux facteurs sans doute l’alcool, la vitesse a c’est sur on le voit, pas de clignotants, prises de risques inutile ou tout simplement aucune concentration j’espere que ca vous fera un peu reflechir et faire un peu plus attention au volant l’avenir, mon compte est actuellement …

Aweful Ski Crash at Park City Tears ACL Ligament

1.5 days Skiing, 5 days on the couch. Yes my crash was caught on video. Was a stupid crash trying to go fast and lost it. My right knee blew up like a large grapefruit. I Skied 10 years before this happened. I had ACL surgery and rehab. I feel ready to get back out …