Final video to NephlimFree, We Won!

Today the Atheist Community came to him on his own terms. That was my pre-show predictions. All of my NephlimFree videos are here For the most part I guessed right. However, I was surprised that I was not kicked out of the room as I was one of the lead instigators. Sadly was kicked out. By the way the NephilimFree parody was done by him. Check him out he has more. Also big thanks to for the help with the thumbnail. NephilimFree was not able to debate the following high level YouTube atheists TheTruePooka dprjones Coughlan616 DLandoncole Qdragon1337 BionicDance and of course myself if needed Thank you to everyone who favorited and rated my videos and helped spread them around. Another big thanks goes to as many of my views came as a result of my videos showing up in his favorites. We did prove a point today. No longer will he ever be able to claim that people are afraid to debate him. Never will he be able to claim that nobody is willing to come to him on his own terms. From now on any time he lays out a challenge to someone this video must stand as record, that NephilimFree is not capable of submitting his ideas to public scrutiny. He is not willing to defend his positions in an open forum. We proved that today. I have no further use for him. My video of the full show will be uploaded soon In the meantime NephilimFree’s science article about Nylonase bacteria debunked here <b>…</b>

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