A Boeing 767 of Polish LOT airlines makes an emergency Crash landing at Warsaw airport

www.facebook.com The plane made a safe landing after skidding along the runway without landing gear. Polish President Lech Kaczynski dies in a plane crash www.youtube.com Successful landing in the Hudson River New York www.youtube.com Air India Crash www.youtube.com ATR Crash in Cuba www.youtube.com

Gunshots heard at Polish Plane Crash Site-Shocking Footage

Poland, Russia, Gas Deals, Plane Crashes and Political Assassinations wizardofoswald.com the person who took this video was assassinated in his hospital bed after surviving a stabbing. wizardofoswald.com Was the Polish President killed over landmark gas deal? wizardofoswald.com Polish church leader killed in car crash on way home from Kaczynski memorial wizardofoswald.com Man that recorded this …