Tiger Surgery – Big Cat Rescue

Modnic a female tiger who was rescued in 2007 from Savage Kingdom in Florida, undergoes surgery to remove cancerous tumors. (*Some graphic scenes of surgery are shown) Savage Kingdom was a breeding facility in Florida that was closed down by the USDA in 2006. Modnic along with three other tigers, TJ, Bella and her sister …

SAF Hlicoptres . Activit secours en montagne – SAF Helicopters company . Mountain rescue

Socit :SAF (Service arien franais.SA) Bas Albertville en Savoie dans les Alpes. La socit SAF dploie deux hlicoptres EC135 en secours en montagne depuis sa base de Courchevel, pour venir au secours aux victimes d’accident sur piste, hors piste, avalanche ….Hlicoptre mdicalis par un mdecin du SMUR 73 et secouriste montagne PGHM et CRS Alpes. …

Rescue 911 – Episode 612 – “Aussie Santa Save”

A lifeguard in a Santa suit assists a teen knocked unconscious in a jet-ski accident. This segment was taken from Episode 612, a Christmas themed episode, which aired on December 20, 1994 on CBS. Vote for Rescue 911 to be released on DVD at www.tvshowsondvd.com and to be put back on television at www.petitiononline.com